Refresher Courses
Refresher Courses are programs designed to update knowledge of current nursing theory and clinical practice to ensure competence of nurses re-entering vocational, professional, or advanced nursing practice. The courses, comprised of didactic and clinical components, may be completed in an educational setting, as part of an extensive orientation program, or by completion of a nursing program of study specific to re-entry to nursing practice. Although the Texas Board of Nursing does not approve Refresher Courses, Board rules mandate that a six-month temporary permit be obtained prior to an individual engaging in any clinical learning experiences. Course content and percentage of time assigned to content areas are set forth by Board rules. For further information, please see Rule 217.6, Failure to Renew License and Rule 217.9, Inactive and Retired Status. A refresher course does not fulfill or replace any requirements for formal nursing education program education requirements for licensure.
For additional information, see FAQs for Refresher Courses.
Please contact Education Consultant Virginia Ayars at for detailed information about Refresher Courses. In your email, please be sure to include your Name, City, State, Nursing License Number/Type of Nursing License held (if applicable), and name of your nursing program attended. This assists our Education Team to provide you with the most accurate information when returning your email.